Friday 11 March 2016

Target Audience

Evaluation Questions 4 and 5 plan

4. Who would be the audience for your media project?
5. How did you attract and address your audience?

4. The audience for my media project:

Primary Audience - Teenage Girls
Secondary Audience - Teenage Boys and girls of an older age

Our original thoughts were teenagers - high school students
In 1015 there was an increase from 26% to 35% in admissions of teenagers (15-24) going to see films
15-24 watch comedy and action most often - bfi

DE - (15-24)
films such as Duracula untold - over the average 25% of 15-24 watch this - bfi

Greater female audience if there is a female protagonist - bfi
They can identify with protagonist
What we did on our holiday - daily female - romance
hunger games didn't have a genre difference between male and female due to there being a male and female presence during an action film

Appealing to all sexualities. Mainly female characters therefore many a female audience.

Fans of the film heathers may be interested in Neighbours.Because heathers was filmed in 1988 the fans may be intruguided that there is another ilm of similar variety.

National BBFC rating would suggest that our film is a 12
-mild violence
-suggestions of bad language
-heathers is a 12
-pretty in pink is a 12

Izzy and the two side characters ar wearing pink lipstick - female audience could get the impression and understand that they are girly girls; where as sarah isn't wearing any make up.

Active audience research - filming people on their opinion of themes.

Audience for this back comedy is the audiene for heathers and donnie darko and scream queens.

Nationality of our characters. Working title appeal to USA audiences and UK audiences where as warp focuses on the UK audience. Our film attracts to the British audience by it being set in a typical British school - British females can identify with the characters.

Even though are main audience and characters are females. The violence and ambiguity of the film helps us bring other genres.

secondary audience = the violence and the murders bring in the male audience and the older females - the school atmosphere will bring back memories for the older girls of their past education nd they will be able to relate to the protagonists.

5.  How did you attract and address your audience:

We told our friends about the film and what it involved - the fact that other friends were involved in the film attracted people to see their friend in the film.
We posted it on Facebook - a page to attract the general public
Posting it on tube for the work rot see
having a blog - people all around the world can view the blog and find out about the process and the film
Updating the blog about what we ave done every week - more than 8 posts a month


  • Portraying the the protagonist and anagonists with some ambiguity 

Sympathtic towards sarah - on her own - not apart of the clique
assuming the clique are the anagonists
However sarah is the antagonsit killing girls
there isn't a protagonist due to the symbolism of everyone having dark secrets in high school.

  • Narrative enigma - about sarah; not who you think she is
  • Humour - speech going to be sarcastic, overall the situate of how you think that it is all a normal typical high school film with a twist
  • For a preferred reading the audience would have to have seen mean girls - or a typical american high school film; also they would have to understand that the girls have had a dark past that is the reasoning to whether is tension
  • there is no dialect in the first two minutes; however the accents will be british
  • Representations such as the lipstick that the clique wear suggests that the girls are staying together no one can enter or leave their group - tying them together.
  • The audience can see more than one character in the first two minutes (privileged prov). We see sarah and izzy. Both are the main antagonists. We also see the remaining clique walking through waking throguh the school and at the graveyard.
  • Focusing on the body - the clothing and how it fits the girls body is different i contrasting. showing their different personalties. 
  • the genre of music is indie - i used the pop rock guitar 
  • Sound is being used to build tension. the music changes when sarah comes into contact with the girls walking into the school - she spots them and then the it goes to a slpit screen and music increases with ease. Eventually the music builds up an there is a tracking shot of sarah following the clique and the music page increases and another sound in added building the tension = feels like more happening.
  • The male gaze is brought in by attractive females and there is a suggestion of violence - when sarah crosses of a face on the wall = suggesting murders and more murders to come.
We didn't use intertextuality throughout the film however our film is heavily based on the film heathers and Scream queens. 

Things that didn't work that well:
  • Sarah was wearing boots in one shot and then trainers in another shot
  • some shots are blurred instead of being in focus 

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