Friday 27 November 2015

Pitch - initial film idea

The feedback that i got from the audience was overall positive. For example they liked the idea of the film being a black comedy and most people think that it the my idea behind the colour costume, separating the different cliques was simple yet effective. Howvever there were some worries when I mentioned the idea of filming in the school corridors, due to other people being around and they may not fit in the scene. I will overcome this by filming after school and then there will be minimal people in the corridor, so we don't need to get all of those peoples connect to be in my film. 
  there were also concerns when it came to the funeral section. However i think that it would actually be more effective if there was simply 3/4 people surrounding the grave. This keeps the eyes on the grave and makes it more suspicious of why these girls are standing over this particular grave. Leaving narrative enigma for the audience with in the first few minutes. Wich will help me create the sense of wanting to watch more for the audience. Brining them in.

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