Tuesday 1 December 2015

tyrannosaur edits

We shot tyrannosaur once. Then realising that the footage wasn't the quality that was necissary we decided to shoot the whole swede again. This time we worked better as a team. Everyone had different roles for each scene (there were three in total). This helped us all get a different view on the whole production of the swede. So now we get the feel of filming, directing and writing screenplays and storyboards. We all had a part in pre-production and filming production. Then we each edited our own swede.
 For scene one I created the storyboard. The storyboard helpss us create the scene order and follow the film shots that we had planned to use in the filming. 
 For scene three i was the director. I didn't really enjoy directing, however the filming came out well with help from the cast. 
 Everyone worked very well together and we all had our own roles, whether it was being a cameraman or acting. Most of us took part in acting in scene two. The funeral scene. We all attending the dogs funeral.
 I think that all the scene turned out well. The extreme long shot in scene two worked very well in giving the audience the feel of the situation and background that we were in. Because a swede is meant to be the opposite of the actual film, we made the funeral have many guests and everyone genually missed the dog, where as in Tyrannosaur it is simply the man burying his dog in his back garden.

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