Monday 1 February 2016

Feedback and Targets

Targets: What still needs to be done 01/02

Deadline - 12/01

  • Still need to film the section of the letter being read aloud for an over voice.
  • Still need to film Sarah and Izzy leaving their house showing the audience where they live - giving the reason behind the name 'Neighbours'.
  • Need to continue creating music for the introduction.

Feedback for exam section 2:

EAA: 11/20
Ex: 9/20
T: 4/10

Total: 24/50

Decent attempt but there are some major problems too. In order to get higher marks, i need to make sure that the examples you use are specific to the points i am making rather than general guesswork. So if i want tot talk about social media, i need to write about how this technology was used in a specific case to market a film. If i don't do this, my marks will be severely limited. I had the whole internet to call upon, so it should have been fairly straightforward to find an example. Also, i need to talk more about piracy too, as this is a form of digital consumption that has a big impact not he industry.

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