Friday 8 January 2016

Rough cut one

Feedback -

  • The overlapping scenes look very good and are effective. 
  • The last scene builds tension well and works.
  • Try keep the camera still for a more polished look.
- Teacher

What is on this edit:
  • All the shots from scene four
  • shots of Niamhs cousins 
  • Diegetic music
What isn't on this edit:
  • Scene one
  • Scene two
  • Scene three
  • Scene four
  • Titles
  • Idents
  • overlap over letter reading
  • Voice over
  • Non-diegtic music
  • Transitions
  • Overlap of scenes - opacity of over lap 33%
  • Speed up of the tracking shot
  • Slow motion of panning shot - graveyard - overlap - opacity 30%

1 comment:

  1. Rian, I’m really impressed with some of your blogging, particularly your analysis of film opening and your vodcast. There are some omissions though, like your pitch and reactions to it. Also the swede? Now that you are in production, there are some things that should be present on your blog - your shot list should be there to show that you have carefully planned your shoots. There also needs to be a detailed log going forward on your experiences whilst in production. There should also be rough cuts, as you produce them and evidence of how you are organising and grading the clips you produce. Basically you should be keeping a running log of everything for the next few months. Your opening idea is really good and I’m looking forward to watching it progress!


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